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Change of Company Name

Change of Company Name

How to choose a company name ?

There are some restrictions on the registration of company names. Generally speaking, a company name will not be registered if:
- it is the same as a name appearing in the Index of Company Names kept by the Registrar of Companies (the Registrar);
- it is the same as that of a body corporate incorporated or established under an Ordinance;
- in the opinion of the Registrar, its use would constitute a criminal offence; or
- in the opinion of the Registrar, it is offensive or otherwise contrary to the public interest.

Moreover, some company names require the approval of the Registrar before they can be registered. These include names which contain any of the words or expressions set out in the Companies (Words and Expressions in Company Names) Order (Cap. 622A) and names which would be likely to give the impression that the company is connected in any way with the Central People's Government or the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or any department or agency of either government.

In addition, a name which is identical to a name that has been subject to a change of name direction issued by the Registrar will not be registered except with the consent of the Registrar. Please refer to Q4 for details of the search on the old company names for which change of name directions have been issued.

Moreover, some company names require the approval of the Registrar before they can be registered. These include names which contain any of the words or expressions set out in the Companies (Words and Expressions in Company Names) Order (Cap. 622A) and names which would be likely to give the impression that the company is connected in any way with the Central People's Government or the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or any department or agency of either government.

In addition, a name which is identical to a name that has been subject to a change of name direction issued by the Registrar will not be registered except with the consent of the Registrar. Please refer to Q4 for details of the search on the old company names for which change of name directions have been issued.

Moreover, some company names require the approval of the Registrar before they can be registered. These include names which contain any of the words or expressions set out in the Companies (Words and Expressions in Company Names) Order (Cap. 622A) and names which would be likely to give the impression that the company is connected in any way with the Central People's Government or the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or any department or agency of either government.

In addition, a name which is identical to a name that has been subject to a change of name direction issued by the Registrar will not be registered except with the consent of the Registrar. Please refer to Q4 for details of the search on the old company names for which change of name directions have been issued.

Frequent Asked Questions
Q: Can a limited company be incorporated without the word Limited Company or Limited in its name?
A: No. A Limited Company incorporated in Hong Kong shall have its name with the words Limited Company or Limited in order to indicate that shareholders shall bear limited liability for future obligation.

Q: Can an English company name end with the word Ltd?
A: No. Although the word Ltd is considered to be the same as Limited, section 102 of the Companies Ordinance requires that the last word of an English company name of a limited company must be Limited .

Q: Can simplified Chinese characters be used in the Chinese name of a Hong Kong limited company?
A: No. The Chinese name shall be written in traditional Chinese characters.

Q: Can company name be registered in only Chinese or English?
A: Yes. It is recommended to have English name if bank account be opened.

Q: Can I use both English letters and Chinese characters in a company name?
A: No. A company name with a combination of English words/letters and Chinese characters will NOT be registered.

Q: What languages can be used to name the company?
A: Chinese or English can be used while Arabic numbers can be included. No bilingual company name is allowed.

Q: Are there any restrictions in choosing the company name?
A: Unless submitted application for relevant license, company name cannot contain the word Bank, Insurance or “Trust” as well as words which may mislead people to believe it has any relation with the Government.

Q: Shall company name have to contain words related to the scope of business?
A: No. The Hong Kong Companies Ordinance does not require that the name of company be related to its scope of business.

Q: Can a company change its name after its incorporation?
A: Yes.

Q: What are the differences between naming Hong Kong Company and Mainland Company?
A: Hong Kong Company’s name is more flexible. Companies Registry accepts International, Group, Holdings, Shares, Investment and etc. in their name. Besides, company name can include name of countries or places, such as France, USA, Italy, Japan, Hong Kong and Shanghai, etc., could be added in front of company name.

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