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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 28 - Fitness Equipment

Games, toys and playthings; video game apparatus; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees.

Class Class Name
28 spinning toys
28 sport bags adapted [shaped] to contain ski-boots
28 sport bags adapted [shaped] to contain tennis rackets
28 sport bags shaped to contain specific sports apparatus
28 sport bags shaped to contain specific sports apparatus [other than clothing or for protective purposes]
28 sport balls
28 sporting apparatus
28 sporting apparatus for use in practising golf
28 sporting articles
28 sporting articles for equestrian sports [other than clothing or articles for protective purposes]
28 sporting articles for equestrian use [other than clothing or articles for protective purposes]
28 sporting articles for playing the game of golf
28 sporting articles for use in fishing
28 sporting articles for use in playing football [other than clothing or articles for protective purposes]
28 sporting articles for use in playing the game of snooker
28 sporting articles for use in practising the game of snooker
28 sporting articles for use in racquet games
28 sporting articles for wear adapted for use in a specific sport [other than helmets]
28 sporting bags [shaped to contain apparatus used in playing sports]
28 sports bags [shaped to contain apparatus used in playing sports]
28 sports bags shaped to contain specific apparatus used in athletics [other than clothing or footwear]
28 sports balls
28 sports bats
28 sports games
28 sports gloves
28 sports holdalls shaped to contain specific apparatus used in playing sports [other than clothing or for protective purposes]
28 sports rackets
28 sports rackets of all types
28 sports racquets
28 sports training apparatus
28 spring boards [sports articles]
28 squash balls
28 squash rackets
28 squash rackets (strings for-)
28 stair climbing machines for physical exercise [other than medical therapeutic use]
28 starting blocks for sports
28 stationary exercise bicycles
28 sticks for ball games
28 sticks for sporting purposes
28 stomach protectors [adapted for use in a specific sport]
28 strings for badminton rackets
28 strings for rackets
28 strings for sporting articles
28 strings for tennis rackets
28 strings materials for sporting racquets
28 stuffed animals [playthings]
28 stuffed animals [toys]
28 stuffed plush dolls
28 stuffed plush toys
28 stuffed toy animals

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