CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 39 - Transport & Packaging

Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.

Class Class Name
39 sea freight services
39 ship transport services
39 shipbrokerage
39 shipping agency services
39 shipping of cargos
39 shipping of goods
39 shuttle bus services
39 shuttle services by car
39 sightseeing services for tourists
39 sightseeing tour arrangement services
39 sightseeing [tourism] services
39 stevedoring
39 stevedoring and unloading cargo
39 stevedoring services
39 storage
39 storage information services
39 storage of agrochemicals
39 storage of aviation fuel and oils
39 storage of baggage
39 storage of boats
39 storage of cargos
39 storage of chemicals
39 storage of clothes
39 storage of colorants
39 storage of commodities
39 storage of containers
39 storage of documents
39 storage of documents, films, tapes, discs, compact discs and optical discs
39 storage of electricity
39 storage of freight
39 storage of furniture
39 storage of gas
39 storage of goods
39 storage of goods before and after transportation by land, water, and air
39 storage of goods for transportation
39 storage of goods in warehouses
39 storage of goods transported by air
39 storage of industrial and chemical waste
39 storage of legal documents
39 storage of liquefied petroleum gas
39 storage of luggage
39 storage of packages
39 storage of pallets and containers for transport
39 storage of pharmaceuticals
39 storage of ships
39 storage of vessels
39 storage services
39 streetcar transport
39 taxi services
39 taxi transport

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