CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 39 - Transport & Packaging

Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.

Class Class Name
39 carpooling services
39 carting
39 cash replenishment of automated teller machines
39 chartering of aircrafts
39 chartering of cruise ship
39 chartering of ships
39 chauffeur services
39 coach transport services
39 collection of documents for transportation
39 collection of goods for transportation
39 collection of letters
39 collection of parcels
39 collection of recyclable goods [transport]
39 computerized reservation for transportation
39 computerized tracking and tracing of packages and freight
39 conducting sightseeing tours
39 conducting travel guide services
39 consignment services
39 consultancy services relating to storage
39 consultancy services relating to the forwarding of goods
39 consultancy services relating to the packaging of goods
39 consultancy services relating to the shipping of goods
39 consultancy services relating to transportation
39 consultancy services relating to travel
39 consultancy services relating to warehousing
39 container freight services
39 container leasing services
39 container loading and unloading services
39 container storage services
39 container transport services
39 container transportation by truck
39 courier services for documents
39 courier services for merchandise
39 courier services for messages
39 courier services for the delivery of goods and parcels
39 courier services for the transportation of goods
39 courier services [messages or merchandise]
39 crating of goods
39 crating services
39 cruise arranging services
39 cruise ship services
39 delivering services relating to pet supplies
39 delivery by land
39 delivery by truck
39 delivery of baggage
39 delivery of cargo and freight for third parties
39 delivery of correspondence
39 delivery of documents, films, tapes, discs, compact discs and optical discs
39 delivery of flowers
39 delivery of goods

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