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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 6 - Metallic Material

Common metals and their alloys, ores; metal materials for building and construction; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware; metal containers for storage or transport; safes.

Class Class Name
6 filings of metal
6 finger plates of metal
6 fire doors of metal
6 firedogs [andirons]
6 fireplace grates of metal
6 fireplace mantles of metal
6 fire-proof doors of metal
6 fire-proof or fire-resistant cabinets of metal
6 fire-proof or fire-resistant letter boxes of metal
6 fire-proof or fire-resistant padlocks of metal
6 fireproof panels and partitions of metal
6 fire-proof roll doors of metal
6 fish plates of metal
6 fish plates [rails]
6 fitting of metal for buildings
6 fitting of metal for pipes
6 fittings, connectors, couplings and coupling components; all made of stainless steel
6 fittings, flashing and framework of metal for scaffolding
6 fittings for doors, drawers and windows, of metal
6 fittings of cast iron steel
6 fittings of metal for beds
6 fittings of metal for building
6 fittings of metal for cabinets
6 fittings of metal for coffins
6 fittings of metal for compressed air lines
6 fittings of metal for display stands
6 fittings of metal for doors and windows
6 fittings of metal for furniture
6 fittings of metal for gates
6 fittings of metal for shelves
6 fittings of metal for signboards
6 fittings of metal for use in the field of civil engineering, for bridges, traffic lanes and parking facilities
6 fittings of metal for windows
6 fixed dispensers for kitchen towels; made of common metal or their alloys
6 fixed dispensers [metal] for cleaning cotton
6 fixed dispensers [metal] for hand towels
6 fixed dispensers [metal] for handkerchiefs
6 fixed dispensers [metal] for kitchen towels
6 fixed dispensers [metal] for towels
6 fixed dispensers of kitchen towels [made of metal]
6 fixed floors of metal being parts of buildings
6 fixed holding devices for glasses and tooth brushes made of metal
6 fixed hygiene bag dispensers made wholly or principally of metal or stainless steel
6 fixed paper towel dispensers made of metal
6 fixed soap holders of metal
6 fixed toilet paper holders and dispensers of metal
6 fixed toilet roll holders and dispensers of metal
6 fixed towel bars and towel racks of metals
6 fixed towel bars of metal
6 fixed towel dispensers of metal

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