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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 6 - Metallic Material

Common metals and their alloys, ores; metal materials for building and construction; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware; metal containers for storage or transport; safes.

Class Class Name
6 iron strip
6 iron, unwrought or semi-wrought
6 iron wire
6 ironmongery
6 ironmongery articles
6 ironmongery for doors
6 ironmongery for furniture and buildings
6 ironwork for doors
6 ironwork for pipes and pipelines
6 ironwork for windows
6 jalousies of metal
6 jaws of common metal
6 jerrycans of metal
6 jets of metal
6 joints of metal for glass curtain walls
6 joints of metal for valves assemblies
6 joists of metal
6 junction boxes of metal for pipes
6 junctions of metal for pipes
6 key blanks of metal
6 key cases of metal
6 key chains, key fobs and key rings of common metal
6 key chains of common metal
6 key chains of metal
6 key fobs of common metal
6 key fobs of metal
6 key holders made of common metal
6 key holders of metal
6 key hole plates of common metal
6 key rings and key chains, all of common metal
6 key rings made of metal
6 key rings of common metal
6 key rings of metal
6 key rings of non-precious metal
6 keys and metal locks (other than electric)
6 keys of metal
6 keys of metal
6 keys of metal for locks
6 kiosks made of metal
6 kitchen worktops of metal
6 knobs of metal
6 labels of metal
6 ladders of aluminium
6 ladders of metal
6 laminated aluminium materials (semi-processed goods)
6 latch bars of metal
6 latches
6 latches for doors of metal
6 latches of metal
6 laths of metal

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