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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 8 - Manual Instruments

Hand tools and implements, hand-operated; cutlery; side arms, except firearms; razors.

Class Class Name
8 nail files
8 nail files, electric
8 nail files [hand tools and electric]
8 nail nippers
8 nail pinches
8 nail polishers
8 nail pullers, hand-operated
8 nail punches
8 nail scissors
8 nasal scissors
8 needle files
8 nippers
8 non-electric apple slicers and apple corers
8 non-electric bottle openers
8 non-electric cake slicers
8 non-electric can openers
8 non-electric caulking guns
8 non-electric cutters for cutting and trimming fabrics and clothes
8 non-electric cutting tools and drilling tools
8 non-electric flat-irons for pressing clothes
8 non-electric food peelers
8 non-electric fruit and vegetable peelers
8 non-electric fruit and vegetable slicers
8 non-electric hair curlers (hand-implements)
8 non-electric hair styling hand implements
8 non-electric hair tongs
8 non-electric hair waving apparatus
8 non-electric hair waving appliances
8 non-electric hand implements for hair curling
8 non-electric hand shears
8 non-electric knives
8 non-electric knives for cutting and trimming fabrics and clothes
8 non-electric pizza cutters
8 non-electric scissors
8 non-electric scissors for cutting and trimming fabrics and clothes
8 non-electric tin openers
8 non-electric trimmers for wallpaper
8 non-electric vegetable slicers
8 nose and ear hair trimmers
8 numbering punches
8 oyster openers
8 paint guards [hand tools]
8 paint shields [hand tools]
8 paint stripping apparatus [hand-operated tools]
8 painters' knives
8 painters' tools [hand-operated]
8 palette knives
8 paper cutters (hand-operated) for industrial use
8 paring irons [hand tools]
8 paring irons (hand-operated)

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