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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 2 - Pigment & Paint

Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants, dyes; inks for printing, marking and engraving; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for use in painting, decorating, printing and art.

Class Class Name
2 sealants [paints]
2 sealing compounds (paints)
2 shellac
2 shoe dyes
2 siccatives [drying agents] for paints
2 sienna earth
2 silicone varnishes
2 silver emulsions [pigments]
2 silver paste
2 silvering powders
2 solid ink cartridges (filled) for ink-jet printers
2 solvents for thinning coatings
2 solvents for thinning lacquers
2 solvents for thinning paints
2 soot [colorant]
2 spray coatings [paints]
2 spray-on paints
2 stabilisers for paints
2 stains for floors
2 stains for leather
2 stains for leather
2 stains for skins
2 sumac for varnishes
2 surface coatings in the nature of paint for automobiles, motorcycles and other vehicles
2 synthetic and natural dyestuffs for use in the manufacture of goods
2 synthetic resin paints
2 synthetic resin paints for plastic products
2 textile dyestuff
2 thickeners for paints
2 thinners for lacquers
2 thinners for paints
2 thinners for paints, varnishes or lacquers
2 thinners for pigments, lacquers and paints
2 thinning agents for paints
2 thinning preparations for paints
2 timber finishes in the nature of paints or varnishes
2 timber preservatives
2 timber stains
2 tinters for paints
2 tints for paints
2 titanium dioxide [pigment]
2 toner
2 toner cartridges (filled)
2 toner cartridges (filled) and ink cartridges (filled) for computer printers and facsimile machines
2 toner cartridges (filled) for computer printers, word processors and photocopiers
2 toner cartridges (filled) for computers, printers, word processors, photocopiers, facsimile machines and calculators
2 toner cartridges (filled) for dot matrix printers
2 toner cartridges (filled) for facsimile machines
2 toner cartridges (filled) for ink jet printers
2 toner cartridges (filled) for laser printers

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