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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 20 - Furniture

Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; containers, not of metal, for storage or transport; unworked or semi-worked bone, horn, whalebone or mother-of-pearl; shells; meerschaum; yellow amber.

Class Class Name
20 window fasteners, not of metal
20 window fittings, not of metal
20 window openers, not of metal, non-electric
20 window pulleys, not of metal
20 window shade [blinds]
20 window stops, not of metal or rubber
20 wine casks
20 wine racks
20 wood ribbon
20 wooden boxes
20 wooden furniture
20 wooden storage boxes
20 work benches
20 work tables
20 works of art made of wood, wax, plaster or plastic
20 works of art of wood for decoration
20 works of art, of wood or plaster
20 works of art of wood, wax or plaster
20 works of art, of wood, wax, plaster or plastic
20 works of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic
20 writing desks
20 writing tables
20 yellow amber

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