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Class 24 - Textiles & Substitutes

Textiles and substitutes for textiles; household linen; curtains of textile or plastic.

Class Class Name
24 household textile piece goods
24 interlining
24 iron-on cloth labels
24 iron-on transfers of textile
24 iron-on-prints of textile
24 jersey [fabric]
24 jersey [fabric]
24 jewellery sachets
24 jute fabric
24 Kashmir fabric
24 kitchen furnishings [textile]
24 kitchen linen
24 kitchen towels
24 kitchen towels [textile]
24 knitted cotton fabric
24 knitted fabric
24 knitted lace fabrics
24 labels made of cloth
24 labels made of textile materials
24 labels of textile
24 labels [textile]
24 lace curtains
24 lace fabrics
24 laminated fabrics
24 lavatory seat covers of textile
24 leather bedsheets
24 leg covers in the nature of bedding for babies' carriages
24 linen articles
24 linen cloth
24 linen fabrics
24 linen for making clothing
24 lingerie fabric
24 lining fabric for footwear
24 lining fabrics
24 linings [textile]
24 loose covers for furniture
24 loose furniture coverings
24 loose textile covers for headboards
24 make-up pads of textile
24 make-up removal pads of textile materials
24 marabouts [cloth]
24 markers [labels] of cloth for textile fabrics
24 materials for soft furnishings
24 mats [coasters] of textile
24 mattress covers
24 mattress protectors [other than incontinence]
24 mattress slips [other than incontinence]
24 moleskin [fabric]
24 mosquito nets
24 muslin fabric

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