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Class 26 - Button & Zipper

Lace, braid and embroidery, and haberdashery ribbons and bows; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers; hair decorations; false hair.

Class Class Name
26 lacework
26 lacing needles
26 lapel pins
26 lettering for marking linen
26 letters for marking linen
26 lingerie tapes
26 loop fasteners
26 metal hanging-tags for zippers
26 metal shoe fasteners
26 mica spangles
26 monogram tabs for clothing
26 monogram tabs for marking linen
26 motifs made of beads, sequins or lace for clothing
26 needle boxes of precious metal
26 needle cases
26 needle cases [not of precious metal]
26 needle cushions
26 needles
26 needles for darning
26 needles for knitting machines
26 needles for sewing machines
26 needles for wool combing machines
26 needle-threaders
26 non-electric apparatus for curling the hair
26 non-electric hair curlers, other than hand implements
26 non-electric hair rollers
26 non-electric rollers for curling the hair
26 non-textile hair bands
26 non-textile hair ornaments
26 novelty pins
26 numerals for marking linen
26 numerals or letters for marking linen
26 ornamental articles for the hair
26 ornamental bands
26 ornamental bows of textile for decoration of clothing
26 ornamental combs for Japanese hair styling
26 ornamental hair pins for Japanese hair styling
26 ornamental novelty badges
26 ornamental novelty badges [buttons]
26 ornamental novelty badges [buttons]
26 ornamental novelty buttons
26 ornamental novelty pins
26 ornamental novelty pins and buttons
26 ornaments for clothing
26 ornaments for clothing and underclothing
26 ornaments for clothing [not of precious metal]
26 ornaments for shoes [not of precious metal]
26 ornaments for the hair
26 ornaments for the hair, other than of precious metal
26 ostrich feathers [clothing accessories]

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