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Class 29 - Foodstuff

Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk, cheese, butter, yogurt and other milk products; oils and fats for food.
Commonly used descriptions: bean curd; beverages containing milk and lactic acid bacteria; beverages having a milk base; butter; canned meat, seafood, fish, poultry, game, fruits and vegetables; cheese; cooked and preserved vegetables; dried, preserved and cooked fruits and vegetables; edible birds' nest products; edible fats; edible nuts; edible seaweed; eggs; fish and shellfish [not live]; fruit jelly spreads; fruits salads; hamburgers; meat; meat, fish, poultry and game, none being live; milk; milk powder [other than for babies]; potato chips and crisps; prepared meat; preserved fruits and vegetables; preserved pickles; processed seafood; sausages; soup preparations; soup preparations; soya milk; yoghurt;
Class Class Name
29 tajine [prepared meat, fish or vegetable dish]
29 tempeh
29 thyme oil
29 tinned (canned) fruits
29 tinned (canned) sausages
29 tinned (canned) seafood
29 tinned fruits
29 tinned fruits and vegetables
29 tinned game
29 tinned meat
29 tinned poultry
29 tinned seafood
29 tinned vegetables
29 tofu
29 tofu patties
29 tofu skin
29 tomato dips
29 tomato juice for cooking
29 tomato paste
29 tomato purée
29 tripe
29 truffles, preserved
29 tuna, not live
29 turkey meat
29 turkeys [not live]
29 vegetable extracts for food
29 vegetable food products
29 vegetable juices for cooking
29 vegetable marrow paste
29 vegetable mousses
29 vegetable oil and fat (for food)
29 vegetable oil [edible]
29 vegetable preserves
29 vegetable salads
29 vegetable soup preparations
29 vegetable sticks
29 vegetable-based concentrate for cooking
29 vegetable-based cream
29 vegetable-based spreads
29 vegetables and fruits, processed
29 vegetables, canned
29 vegetables, cooked
29 vegetables, dried
29 vegetables, preserved
29 vegetables, processed
29 vegetables, tinned
29 vegetarian foodstuffs made from edible oil and edible fat
29 vegetarian frozen food
29 whey
29 whipped cream

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