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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 8 - Manual Instruments

Hand tools and implements, hand-operated; cutlery; side arms, except firearms; razors.

Class Class Name
8 shoe lasts [shoemaker's hand tools]
8 shovels
8 shovels [hand tools]
8 sickles
8 side arms
8 side arms, other than firearms
8 silver cutlery
8 silver plate [knives, forks and spoons]
8 ski edge sharpening tools, hand-operated
8 skimmers [hand-operated tools]
8 sledgehammers
8 slicers [hand-operated tools]
8 socket sets [hand-operated tools]
8 soil-working and gardening implements (hand-operated)
8 soup spoons
8 spades
8 spades [hand tools]
8 spanners [hand tools]
8 spatulas for use by artists
8 spatulas [hand tools]
8 spoons
8 spoons [cutlery]
8 spoons for babies and infants
8 sporting knives
8 spray guns (hand-operated)
8 sprayers [hand-operated tool] for garden use in spraying weedkillers or insecticide
8 spreaders (hand-operated)
8 squares [hand tools]
8 stamping-out tools [hand tools]
8 stamps [hand tools]
8 steel drills (hand-operated)
8 sterile body piercing instruments
8 stirring sticks for mixing paint
8 stone hammers
8 strippers (hand-operated)
8 stropping instruments
8 sword scabbards
8 swords
8 syringes for spraying insecticides
8 table cutlery [knives, forks and spoons]
8 table forks
8 table forks and spoons
8 table knives, forks and spoons for babies
8 table knives, forks and spoons of plastic
8 tableware [knives, forks and spoons]
8 tableware of plastic material [spoons]
8 tap wrenches
8 tap wrenches [hand tools]
8 taps [hand tools]
8 tattoo needles

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