CPY Trademark Services

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Seaview Serviced Office - Early Bird Discount !!!

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 37 - Construction & Installation

Construction services; installation and repair services; mining extraction, oil and gas drilling.

Class Class Name
37 road paving
37 road surfacing
37 roofing
37 roofing repair
37 roofing services
37 rug cleaning
37 rust removing
37 rustproofing
37 safe maintenance and repair
37 sanding
37 scaffolding
37 scaffolding services
37 security apparatus maintenance and repair
37 semi-conductor machinery repair and maintenance
37 services of electricians
37 ship construction
37 shipbuilding
37 shoe repair
37 shoe repair services
37 site formation, excavation, dredging, ground improvement
37 snow removal
37 spray painting for vehicles
37 steel structure construction
37 sterilisation of medical instruments
37 sterilization of medical apparatus and instruments
37 sterilization of medical instruments
37 sterilization of telephone
37 storage tank cleaning
37 street cleaning
37 strong-room maintenance and repair
37 supervision of building construction
37 supervision of building construction, excavation, land reclamation, demolition and building decoration
37 supervision of building work
37 supervision of construction
37 supervision of construction of buildings
37 supervision of construction projects
37 supervision of construction projects, excavation, land reclamation and demolition
37 supervision of infrastructure construction projects
37 swimming-pool maintenance
37 telecommunications apparatus installation and repair
37 telecommunications systems installation and repair
37 telephone disinfecting
37 telephone installation and repair
37 termite and pest control services
37 tile laying
37 tire balancing
37 tuning of musical instruments
37 tyre balancing
37 tyre fitting and puncture repair
37 tyre inflation services

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