CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Seaview Serviced Office - Early Bird Discount !!!

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 37 - Construction & Installation

Construction services; installation and repair services; mining extraction, oil and gas drilling.

Class Class Name
37 tyre repair
37 tyre repair services for automobiles and motorcycles
37 tyre repairing
37 umbrella repair
37 underwater construction
37 underwater repair
37 upholstering
37 upholstering services
37 upholstery repair
37 upholstery repair
37 varnishing
37 varnishing services
37 vehicle battery charging
37 vehicle breakdown repair services
37 vehicle cleaning
37 vehicle cleaning and polishing
37 vehicle cleaning, maintenance, polishing and repair
37 vehicle cleaning services
37 vehicle fuelling station services
37 vehicle gas stations
37 vehicle greasing
37 vehicle lubrication
37 vehicle maintenance
37 vehicle maintenance and repair
37 vehicle polishing
37 vehicle refuelling station services
37 vehicle service stations for the maintenance of vehicles
37 vehicle service stations for the repair of vehicles
37 vehicle service stations [refuelling and maintenance]
37 vehicle tyre re-fitting and repair
37 vehicle varnishing
37 vehicle washing
37 vehicle washing
37 vermin exterminating, other than for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry
37 vermin exterminating (other than for agriculture, forestry or horticulture)
37 vulcanisation of tyres [repair]
37 vulcanization of tires [repair]
37 vulcanization of tyres [repair]
37 wallpapering
37 warehouse construction and repair
37 washing
37 washing of garments
37 washing of linen
37 washroom cleaning services
37 watch maintenance
37 watch mending services
37 watch repair and maintenance
37 window cleaning
37 yacht building

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